Climate control units play a crucial role in ensuring the necessary temperature and humidity levels for producing high-quality bread. These units are equipped with a special steam generation system, allowing precise electronic adjustment of the steam quantity. These features enhance the durability and longevity of the climate control device while optimizing bread production.

Steam Generation System:

Climate control units are equipped with a special steam generation system that allows precise electronic adjustment of the steam quantity, ensuring ideal humidity levels.

Air Mixing System:

The top-mounted fan blends the air drawn from the environment with the heat and humidity generated by the climate control unit before delivering it to the proofing room. This ensures a stable environment and enhances bread quality.

ModelKapasite / Capacity
Capacity (%)65 % - 95 %
Humidity range (°C)+20 / + 50
Heating range (m²)10
Dimension of machine AxBxC (mm)550X185X1680
Electrical Power (kw)9
Weight (kg)50
Water input (inch) 1/2
Control systemManual/Digital